• CSV Import - PHP eSeller

  • PHP-eSeller

    This section describes the file format to bulk import product items into the application using a csv file format.

  • PHP-eSeller

    File Format

    Example file: in csv format or as a text file

    csv is a text file where each field is separated by a comma character and each line represents a record.

    • item_number

      Unique item number

    • item_name

      Item name

    • mc_gross

      Gross value which will be something like : 34.99

    • item_title

      The title of the product

    • item_description

      The brief item description

    • item_description_full

      The item description

    • maincategory

      The numerical value of the main category which must already exist in the database

    • subcategory

      The numerical value of the sub category which must already exist in the database

    • folder

      The folder on your web server where the file is located in the form /myserver/www/files/

    • filename

      The file name of the digital file e.g. test.zip Note that this does not include the folder name

    • filename_small_mp3

      The url of the mp3 clip in the form http://www.server.com/clips/test.mp3

    • item_image

      The url of the small image in the form http://www.yourserver.com/image/test.jpg

    • pagetitle

      The page title for the item

    • metadescription

      The metadescription for the item

    • keywords

      Any extra keywords to help searching

    • sort order

      The sort order number for this product item. If it is listed by category, then the sort order will be sorted within the category listing

    • Notes :

      You cannot use the comma character (,) in any field because it is used as the field separator in csv.

      You cannot update existing records, only create new records.

      The maincategory and subcategory are entered as numbers and they should already exists within the admin area of PHP-eSeller.

      The currency code (e.g. USD) is not defined in the csv file, but is taken as the default value in setup.

      The email texts are not defined in the csv file, but are assumed to be the default as defined in setup.

      You can only have one file attached to a product, although you can add more once the product has been created of course.